For Q's birthday (and for mine), we went to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live. She wears her YGG t-shirt any time it is clean (and sometime when it's not). And when all else fails, we can pull up an episode from the DVR and all is right with the world.
This also means that several aspects of Gabbaland have floated into our real world. It's something not everyone would understand, but fellow parents of "Gabbaheads" know.
-Clean up time is not possible without singing "clean it up, clean it up, pick up the trash now..."
-We have many dancey dance times each day- our latest favorite is the "March" and "Crazy Daisy"
-Muno, Foofa, Toodee, Brobee and Plex are normal words in our vocabulary.
-We often discuss the party in our tummy, and which foods would like to go to said party.
-Muno, a large, red, one eyed monster should be scary, but instead is probably the most loved of the characters. I don't question this for some reason.
-Q is not only not scared of Biz Markie, but beat boxes with him, and waves and says "Bye Biz, Love you!" when "Biz's Beat of the Day" ends.
-I find it normal for my toddler to say 'break it down' and point down while saying it. In fact, I adore it.
-Plex is a buzzkill, there, I said it.
-I find myself listening to, and singing the Gabba songs on my iPod (for Q) when she is nowhere around.
We are all Gabba, and I'm ok with that, In fact, I love it. But please, oh please, just keep Dora away. Far, far away.
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