

I'll admit it- I like snow. Most people react with horror to that statement, as though I was proclaiming that I liked something terrible, like kicking puppies or Russell Crowe movies (to be fair, I don't hate all Russell Crowe movies, just almost all of them...). But I do, I like snow. I don't love driving in it, or the cold that can come with it, but if it's winter, I prefer to look out and see the beautiful blanket of white rather than a dingy, brown yard.

This year was Q's first real experience with snow. Last year she was just a bit too little to really appreciate it (crawling through a foot of snow? Perhaps not...) But this year, this year she was ready. So when we got our first "real" snow, we bundled her up, and took her outside. Overall, she did well. There were a few lost mitten mishaps, and she was not always the best at navigating the terrain, but I think it's safe to say she's been initiated into winter now.